Friday, August 01, 2008

Nose cleaning

The Mighty Fang demonstrates one way to make sure your nose is clean. It does, alas, require a long prehensile Pink Tongue Of Mass Grooming to make it work...

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Someday, I wanna give that Mighty Fang a big snuggle.

    In return, you can hug Manni, The World's Fattest And Laziest Cat (Next To Princess Chunk, That Is).

  2. TMF would definitely appreciate that big snuggle. He practically mugs any visitors to my apartment. They sit down, he jumps into their lap. After all, all laps are made for sitting, right? They lean back, he puts his forepaws up on their shoulder and leans against them with his hind legs in their lap so he can rub his head against their chin. He just lurves peoples...

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


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