Wednesday, August 13, 2008


It's Not Criminal If You're Republican. Attorney General Michael Mukasey confirms that there are two laws in this country -- one if you're a Democrat, and one if you're a Republican. If you're a Democrat, it's a crime. If you're a Republican, you're not. Mukasey says the Justice Department broke the law by applying partisan political considerations to non-partisan positions, but he intents to do nothing about it because, well, INCIYR. Or as Attorney General Mr. Mugookasey put it, "Not every violation of a law is a crime."

So much for that old "equality" and "justice" bullshit, eh?

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Mukasey was picked for his unwillingness to prosecute obvious violations of law. The wet-our-pants centrist Beltway Democrats felt comfortable with this. I don't. Part of the reasoning for prosecuting the Monica Goodlings is that there is a deterrent effect. But, if whitey-white chuckleheads can avoid jail, can we expect our less fortunates to obey the same laws?


  2. thanks nancy and chuck --- u sent us a good one


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