Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oh boy, another loony religious tighty rightie

Okay, first of all, if you're older than say seven years old and you believe you have an invisible friend, you're nuts. It's okay for little children to have invisible pals. But grownups who have invisible pals are the sort of people who you see stumbling around downtown talking to their invisible friend while pushing a shopping cart loaded with their life's possessions.

So anyhow, I'm going to violate one of my principles, and link to World Nut Daily, who I have a policy of never linking to because ever since 9/11 and the War on Terra, Joseph Farrah has gone just completely nuts. He has allowed his hatred of Muslims (he is Lebanese Christian and learned hatred of Muslims while suckling his momma's milk) to push him to support everything the Bushevik regime has ever done, because any regime that kills Muslims is, in Joseph Farrah's point of view, a good regime. He has the same philosophy towards Muslims that General Phil Sheridan had towards Indians, i.e., that the only good one is a dead one.

But anyhow, here's the link: lunatic assistant pastor invents terminal cancer to hide addiction to porn. Apparently he even hid the fact that he was faking having cancer from his wife, having her drop him off at the hospital for his "chemotherapy" then pick him up later. Or else he was just a common scammer. One or the other.

So anyhow, I think we have another winner in the "he speaks to his invisible pal" sweepstakes here. But let's add another rule here. If someone speaks to his invisible pal, and you can't hear his invisible pal answer, don't give the guy money just because you think he's special to be able to hear his invisible pal. He might hear his invisible pal. Or he might not. But either way, it's not going to do you any good to give him money for the privilige of having him talk to his invisible pal. Because, well, imaginary friends when you're an adult are just plain imaginary, know what I mean?

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Wow, Tux, it's a church in Melbourne! I've never heard of this place, or this pastor. Admittedly, I don't pay much attention to religious affairs. There's a large evangelical organisation called Hillsong which I think has extended its tentacles to Melbourne. Evangelical churches congregate (pun intended) in the eastern suburbs, where the right-wing materialistic types gravitate (as opposed to progressive internationalist types in the inner suburbs and struggling immigrants on the west side). I don't spend much time in the east side (more likely to go to the Muslim suburb up north for my periodic Lebanese pastry fix) so I don't know much about churches like that. Thanks for cluing me in from across the ocean!

    Odd that the guy had to cover up a porn addiction. Down here, where even prostitution is legal (I pass two brothels on my way home from work) nobody really gives a stuff about whether someone looks at porn. Except the tightyrightyreligiowhiteys, of course. "God-botherers" is what they're called here.

  2. Well, let's see. They believe they have an invisible friend. They're adults. So I think I'll just keep on calling them "lunatics", heh!

    - Badtux the Heretic Penguin

  3. I'm far from surprised that this religiodork has a porn addiction, but can someone explain how pretending to have cancer functions to hide it?

  4. There you go with all that "logic" stuff again. Don't you know that relying on "logic" rather than on rank emotion makes you an elitist and probably a Satanist? Sheesh!

    -- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  5. i use the george bernard shaw axiom:

    if you talk to god, that's prayer.
    if god talks to you, that's schizophrenia.

    still, inventing a terminal disease, then blaming it on a pretend disease. . .

    the potential for miracle cure is expontentially increased yo.


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