Sunday, August 31, 2008

Andrew Sullivan on Presidential judgement

We have had two big presidential decisions from both candidates - the first time we can clearly judge their decision-making skills. Obama's (vice presidential decision) was prudent, cautious, thoroughly vetted, and serious about governing. McCain's was impulsive, rash, barely vetted and decided at the last minute by a small coterie that left everyone else gasping.

We are at war. Another 9/11 is possible. Israel may attack Iran. Pakistan may go up in smoke. Putin may invade another country. Who would you rather have as president?

The impulsive rash one, of course. That notion of thinking through alternatives, doing the smart thing rather than the emotional thing, and such is elitist. Real conservatives know that the best bodily organ to do your thinking with is not the brain, but, rather, the gallbladder.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. I'm not convinced McCain was thinking with his gallbladder.

    But I could be wrong.

  2. My political analysis, not that it matters:

    This rinky-dink beauty queen is being spun as an aggressive move, how McCain is bringing it to the Dems by choosing someone who will go after the "PUMA" voters who loved Hillary so much they'll vote for McKeating instead of the man who was so mean in defeating Hills. Except "PUMAs" don't exist, except for anonymous poseurs in the blogosphere. During the Dem convention, how many real ones were interviewed? Are they 1% of voters?

    When I think of who this small-town mayoress might appeal to, I think of my mom and her sister, my Aunt Jean. Auntie is a hardcore Christian fundie farmer's wife in rural Maryland. Mom is a Republican crustacean who still defends Nixon. They don't like McInsane because he's not right-wing enough. They'd like Palin because she goes to church.

    THEY'RE who KKKarl Rove is aiming at with Palin. But he kkkan't say "I had to pick this Church Lady to beef up my own base." That would show weakness. So it's spun the opposite way. And the corporate meeja sells the spin.

  3. "Except "PUMAs" don't exist, except for anonymous poseurs in the blogosphere."

    Thank you bukko!

    and on that note,
    Electoral Dirty Tricks Coming Soon To An In-Box Near You

    Blogged by Brad Friedman on 8/24/2008 5:17PM
    Diebold Admits Their Tabulator Software Doesn't Count Votes Correctly
    UPDATED WITH VIDEO: CNN's Lou Dobbs Covers Stunning Admission...

  4. What ever, it's just a bunch of political and warring monkeys fucking around and they are not in my front yard.

    I can't do anything about that bullshit because I don't have my own bombs. So I'm going camping.

  5. I can't do anything about that bullshit because I don't have my own bombs.



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