Saturday, August 23, 2008


For an 8.5 pound bag of "Science Diet for cats with Sensitive Stomach".

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more kittehs

I had bought a small bag to try it to see if maybe Mencken would stop yakking all over my furniture. I mean, I thought maybe it was just that Mencken kept reading the newspapers that I leave hanging around and the news was causing his upchucking, but turns out the "Sensitive Stomach" cat food did the trick -- no more yakking.

I just hope he appreciates his owner's attendance to his needs. Oh who am I kidding, he's a cat, with a brain the size of an almond. Oh well. At least he's warm, fuzzy, and loves to purr on my lap.

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Oh, before the big lower-protein switchover of 2008, all our kitties ate 'sensitive stomach' food or it was Yak City.

  2. One of my cats do that, I figured that it was from eating to much too fast. Whatever it is, I'm not buying expensive food for it. They all pretty much look the same and all of them would get in to it.

    The cat lives on so it must be getting enough, and lives outside most of the time anyway so some up chucking out there is no big deal.

  3. I know it's a crime to pay that for cat food , but then one has to balance that against " squishy toes " in the middle of the night . Petco does give you a free bag if you buy like 10 in a year , discount stores cost less to begin with . Be glad you don't pay to feed our two , 100 pound each , Saint Bernard mixed dogs . Of course they don't get science diet like the cats .
    live from the poor house


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