Friday, August 08, 2008

It has started

Missouri illegally denies people right to vote, arrests someone for the crime of trying to legally cast his ballot.

Just as a coincidence, I happen to have a photograph of the Missouri Elections Board in session:

Yippee, I just love how this country has just come soooo far since the 1950's when it comes to voting rights, yay!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. and bush criticizes china for human rights abuses

    when does this end

  2. And the Republican vote suppression machine rolls on.

    I'd love to see somebody like the ACLU give Galloglas a hand in suing the state, the judges, and the police for violation of state and federal laws. Give them a choice. Either the judges involved can all step down and be barred form ever being involved in an election for life, or the state/municipality can pony up a ton of cash for their blatant disregard for the law.

  3. I've heard those Missourians are a bunch of inbred, knuckles dragging the ground, yokels. This just proves it. I think that picture is one of my family gatherings, though. We're telling ghost stories and toasting marshmellows.

  4. Stories like this remind me why this country needs the ACLU.

  5. I realize my comment was in really bad taste. I was trying to be a smartass, but I only succeeded in being an ass. I figured I could make fun of missourians because I am one and all missourians are family in my book. I hope I didn't offend.

  6. darn. the above comment wad from me ... owl


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