Saturday, August 02, 2008

Jesus fucking Christ, what a buncha goddamned morons

Did you know that Obama is Hitler? I didn't, not until I accidentally clicked on a blog run by right-wing kool-aid drinkers. "Obama holds rallies just like Hitler!" one of them said. "Obama brownshirts!" "Thank god they don't have guns." "They will!"

Jesus fucking christ, projection, anybody? This was a blog that had the word "guns" in the goddamned title, where those stupid-ass motherfuckers were circle-jerking each other while stroking their guns ("is that a pistol in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?" -- both, for these assholes), where past posts expressed a desire to attack "liberals" physically, and they are talking about armed *OBAMA* "brownshirt" supporters?! Talk about a lack of self-awareness!

For what it's worth: Hitler talked about exterminating Jews in Mein Kampf which was published in *1925*, seven years before he took power. Hitler formed his armed "brownshirt" SA in 1920, TWELVE YEARS before he took power. When Hitler took power, he had a clear record of saying that he was going to do *exactly* what he did -- re-militarize Germany, seize the property of Jews and get rid of Jews, and head off and re-conquer the lost German provinces in Poland, France, Czechoslovakia, and then merge with Austria to form "Greater Germany". At the time that he was elected, *EVERYBODY* knew that he was a militaristic Jew-hater with his own paramilitary that beat up and killed opponents. And the Germans elected him anyhow.

Now, can anybody show me ONE EXAMPLE of Obama expressing hatred of *ANYBODY*? Can anybody show me ONE EXAMPLE of Obama stating that the U.S. needs to go off and conquer *ANYBODY*? Can anybody show one ONE EXAMPLE of Obama leading an armed militia of "brownshirts" that beat up opponents of Obama? No? That's right. Obama has expressed *NONE* of the sentiments that Adolph Hitler expressed, and has *never* had an armed militia that beat up his opponents. Case closed. Comparing Obama to Hitler can only be done if you're the stupidest goddamned shit for brains on the whole goddamned motherfucking *PLANET*. If you compare Obama to Hitler you don't got the brains that God gave to my stupid-ass goddamned CAT, and you deserve nothing more than for those of us with more brains than a rutabaga to point and laugh at your ignorant stupid ass self. 'Nuff said!

-- Badtux the Rude Penguin


  1. bit of nonsense I read even stated that the evocation of Hitler rallies was increased by his using the Siegessäule as a backdrop, given that the monument was a tribute to the Nazi party...

    That was a rather remarkable assertion, given that it was dedicated in 1873.

    Apparently "google" isn't a wingnut strength, either...

  2. You've got that right about the "projection," Tux. It's human nature to think that everyone else is like yourself. After all, YOU'RE normal, right? Everyone thinks so! So you assume at a gut level that other people think like you do, a tendency that's reinforced by associating with people who have a similar mindset to you. Therefore, fascists assume -- or at least enjoy fantasising -- that Obama people are as nasty on the 180-degrees-opposite pole, as they are.

    Assuming your enemies (I don't mean "opponents," because that's too mild a word for how these gun-fondling freaks view their opposite numbers) are evil makes it easier to justify cracking down on them, too. At a gut level, they're thinking "These people are as dangerous as me (or as dangerous as I'd like to think I am) so they must be crushed!" Not that they'd have the balls to take action themselves, but they'll applaud while an authoritarian government that's encouraged by them does just that.

    Crap like what you cited is why I fear for the fate of the United States.

  3. Recent killings of unarmed people by right-wingers should give us all pause.

    The reign of the stoopid, uneducated, untalented, and imcompetent is about to end and the trogs are askeered that they'll go back to their former positions.

    For eight years they have had the fantasy of equality, if not outright superiority. Now, the Reality-based community is placing them back in their normal place.

    Once the ratshi*t hair people get the chance to order humans about, they won't give it up. Note the continuing fantasy of the South. It used to be that no matter your own lack of accomplishment or failure to toil, you could always depend on the ability to rape black women and denigrate black men. Now, you can't. Hmmph!

    These are the slow f*cks from school that were tracked into the "Duh" classes at ninth grade. You'd think that after many years the truth would be flesh. Nope, still wishing to be bullies or whining about imagined injustices, they want to order humans about just like before. Oh, we dumped your sorry stoopid carcass years ago.

    Defer to a ratsh*t hair? I don't think so. I earned my right to tell you-all to bugger yourselves.


  4. How silly. How last week. The newest word on Obama is that he is actually not Hitler,but is in fact, the Anti-Christ.

    Yeah, "Holy batshit!" doesn't begin to cover the imbecility.

  5. well he is also britney spears

    that obama -- so sybil to the right wing

    btw -- mccain has stated he wants to remain in iraq for 100 years and bomb iran -- just saying!


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