Monday, August 18, 2008

OMG It's the end of the world!

The California Supreme Court ruled in favor of that evil supervillain, The Gay Agenda, with his evil master plan to, uhm, get equal rights for gays, and says that doctors have to live up to that Hippocratic Oath thingy as well as California's law barring discriminating against gays. Oh the horror! Doctors who specialize in in-vitro fertilization must treat gays! What next, doctors have to impregnate dogs, box turtles, or mules?

No, clearly, unless doctors are allowed to discriminate, doctors will have to, uhm, serve the public instead of serving some religious agenda based on hate and ignorance. And we can't have that, can we? Why, why... if we make doctors treat people equally regardless of sexual orientation, that nasty Gay Agenda will zap us all with his Gay Ray of Gayness and then the human race will die out because nobody will reproduce (except those nasty lesbians gay-marrying each other and getting artificially inseminated of course) and ... and... uhm, what was I saying? I lost my train of thought there. For some definition of "thought". Hmm.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Richard Simmons is the poster-boy for the Gay Agenda?

    Why, that makes about as much sense as President John McCain!

  2. You're right, like Larry Craig, Richard Simmons is not gay.

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. wouldnt it be nice if Sam Brownback or James Dobson got sick and the ONLY doc that could treat them was gay.

    or if David Dreier, oopsies

    we live in the 21st century and this goes on ..... pathetic


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