Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sigh, 11pm and still working :-(

One of my new babies is leaving the cradle tomorrow. Just finished teaching him how to write good code and now he leaves me, boo hoo hoo! But anyhow, he has one last checkin to make into the source tree. And I have to go over it with a fine tooth comb before he leaves. And he leaves at 2AM my time because that's when the last bus leaves his time and like most people in his nation he doesn't own a car, he's reliant on mass transit. And that's it. So I may be up to 2AM working with this guy...

These multi-national software development efforts are the pits sometimes :-(.

-- Badtux the late-working Penguin

1 comment:

  1. This late-night thing must be going around.
    Hope you get your penguin rest so you can fish another day.


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