Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Osama's driver found guilty of... driving Osama bin Laden

So this is a warning to any taxi driver who picks up a fare. Make sure it's not Henry Kissinger, George W. Bush, or any other war criminal, or you, too, just like Salim Ahmed Hamdan, could be found guilty of driving a war criminal around.

I mean, c'mon. This is it? This is all they got? 7 years, 700 billion dollars, and all we got is a fucking taxi driver? What next? They kidnap and put on trial Osama's barber? Jesus fucking Christ, if this is the extent of America's "war on terror", prosecuting a goddamned TAXI DRIVER for picking up the wrong fare, we're in a helluva goddamned fix, doncha think?!

- Badtux the Taxi-ridin' Penguin


  1. Hey, don't forget -- the U.S. also got that taxi-driving enemy of the people named Dilawar! And they didn't need no steenking trial to do it.

    (I know you didn't forget. But I just HAD to add some taxi-snark.)

  2. Both Osama's barber and his travel agent are in custody, and their trials will begin at any time.

    Since Hamdan was convicted of a crime that didn't exist when he was "arrested", the appeals should be an interesting tap dance around Constitutional issues, like no ex post facto laws.

  3. Even better, Hamdan got credited five years of "time served" on a 66 month sentence, so he'll be out in time for Valentine's Day.

  4. and the GOP is cheering./....

    we got him


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