Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Some people ought to be aborted post-natally

To whit: this creep, Raymond Daniel Thurmond, who held his wife and three children captive for years in a mobile home. He apparently screwed the windows shut, locked the doors with padlocks, and threatened to kill them if they tried to escape.

So now he gets his own captivity. Hopefully sharing a jail cell with some 300 pound 7 foot tall brute named Bubba. Who don't like child abusers. Squeal like a pig, Gay Ray, squeal like a pig!

-- Badtux the Disgusted Penguin


  1. I'll bet Thurmond was a strong law-and-order advocate who believed in home-schooling his children with books by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Micheal Savage. If he could find the books under the heaps of trash.

  2. i would bet a million bucks he voted for bush

    that is his base

  3. This guy's abortion ? I'll pony up for that . Where is the pay pal icon ?

  4. This guy's abortion ? I'll pony up for that . Where is the pay pal icon ?

  5. Yes, birth control shoudl be retroactive. But what amazes me is the neighbors: "He was nice and quiet and never bothered anyone" and "I never saw his kids." Hello!!!? Didn't that alone make you wonder wtf? And sorry, the smell should have crept out, too....those folks didn't WANT to know.

  6. I have another nominee. Two in fact. These two scumbags allowed their 14-year old daughter suffering from cerebral palsy to starve to death. Philadlphia's Dept. of Human Services screwed the pooch and despite all the warning signs in the world, didn't save her.

    So what do the scumbag parents who killed their daughter do? Why sue the DHS for not saving their daughter, what else!

    If any two people deserved a ride on "old sparky", it's these two pieces of s***.

  7. I must quibble about the "homosexual rape in prison as part of the punishment" talk, Tux.That's been a popular thing to giggle about, especially on the right, since the 70s. I used to work as a nurse in Florida state prisons, and dealt with the after-effects, so it's a topic of interest to me.

    When someone gets 10 years, the judge doesn't say "Your sentence also includes getting beaten up by gangs and sexually assaulted." That might be the norm, but it's also cruel and unusual. Not what America should stand for.

    It's also a sign of a poorly managed prison. If inmates can run amok and assault each other, that shows the authorities cannot stop crime INSIDE THEIR OWN DAMN PRISON. The sad truth is, prison authorities allow this as a way of brutalising prisoners, to make their institutions seem more fearsome to the public. That's what you do if you're more about punishment than rehabilitation. But if there's rape, there's also going to be extortion, drug-dealing, murder, plots against guards, etc.

    In most prisons throughout history, a lot of the order (or disorder) has been kept by prisoners. There's never enough guards to go around. The prisoners are devils, not angels, so scummy stuff will happen. But well-run prisons at least attempt to stop rape. If for no other reason, they should remember that most of the guys inside will get out someday, and if you return a lot of rapists and revenge-psyched rape victims to the community, further mayhem will ensue.

  8. lfc,

    I agree, two lower life forms one cannot imagine.

    Badtux, a friend who lived in greater Appalachia assures me the man who locks the women in during the day is not an unusual happening. Ain't that America. And Austria, and. . .

    Perhaps Penguins do not indulge in such sickness, but humans have a glitch.


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