Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sad all around

Librarian recognizes man who ran down two old ladies, calls cops. Turns out he was a 66 year old dude who was living out of his car, who apparently has "problems".

Our society's treatment of its old, its poor, its mentally ill is abysmal, and the result is dead bodies. But hey, we don't care, because at least we don't have to pay taxes to take care of the old, the poor, the mentally ill, and money is more important than human beings, right? Right? Right?!

-- Badtux the Priorities Penguin


  1. Ok , so this guy was a sickko , but how the heck do you put a score on driving ability ? The tests they have are worthless .
    I live in a very remote area . Looking foreward to getting old here but without personal transportation it isn't going to happen . We have all seen lots of senior drivers that should have thrown in the towel years ago . How can we ever actually quantify driving ability , with age/health and then against need ? I'd happily take public transport now , especially with gas at $4.30
    but the bus starts at 7 uphill miles away , runs 3 buses a day and last bus is at 5 pm . ( yea , you laugh at 7 miles in your
    20's , add 30 more years and thats a long ways .)Really makes me miss the every 15 minute buses / 24 hours a day of the bay area, but not enough to move back .
    w3ski( aging fast ... )


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