Thursday, August 14, 2008

Chinese gymnastics team

Did anybody else notice that the Chinese "women's" gymnastics team looked more like the Chinese "elementary school girls" gymnastics team? The youngest/smallest "women" on the team couldn't have been more than twelve years old!

-- Badtux the Observant Penguin


  1. Twelve seems like the oldest child. Most of the girls seem younger. WE should not be whining...most of our "wimmens" teams have been girls too young to drive.

    On the other hand, watching college gymnastics is not nearly as fun. Most of the college lasses have gone through puberty and have copious amounts of excess.


  2. Gee, makes one almost nostalgic for the East German "girls" back when they could test more easily with more political correctitude, eh?
    (chokes on sarcasm ball)

  3. Nah, someone neglected to read the care label and washed them in hot water...they shrank.

  4. Mold, girl gymnasts are small. Look at the U.S. gymnastics team, even the 20 year old on the U.S. team looks maybe 14 years old. But a few of these Chinese girls look like they haven't even made it to middle school yet. A 16 year old girl is going to have boobs, no matter how hard she trains. Hard training delays the onset of puberty but doesn't eliminate it -- by age 15, even the hardest-trained gymnast with muscle definition that shows almost no body fat has at least something up top. The smallest of these Chinese girls are as flat as an 8 year old. I put the smallest couple of girls at 13 years old, tops.

    - Badtux the Observant Penguin

  5. Interestingly, the Chinese News agency put a couple of them at 13 earlier this year too.

    Darn unreliable Chinese passports....or news agency....

  6. Yea, I noticed it a while back. I just got done reading a post on the Huff and all I can think is "Christ, are you people THAT surprised by such a corrupt organization and gov't?

    The Chinese government will do anything and everything to make sure this Olympics shows them in the most favorable light, even if it's cheating and reflecting their poor sportsmanship on the population.
    But, I don't think I needed to tell any of you that.


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