Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Governator proposes to fuck the poor and elderly -- again

Governor Schwartzenfuhrer proposes 1% sales tax hike that will fall predominantly on the poor and elderly. The poor and elderly are already buying the minimum needed to survive, and state services to the poor and elderly have already been cut to the point that many are homeless and dying due to lack of medical care (because Medi-Cal disbursements have been cut to the point where no doctors or hospitals will accept Medi-Cal). Having 1% of their income suddenly taken away from them will result in even more misery. Meanwhile, a 0.5% hike in the state income tax would raise just as much money, while not affecting the poor and elderly (who don't pay state income tax), but apparently is off the board because, well, the poor and elderly didn't vote for the Schwartzenfuhrer so he prefers to stick it to them instead.

That's a "compassionate conservative" for ya, though. Never passing by another opportunity to stick it to the poor and elderly if it avoids having to raise taxes on his own peeps, even if it's a trivial and temporary and most importantly, DEDUCTIBLE ON THE FEDERAL INCOME TAX tax hike like the 0.5% hike in the state income tax mentioned above. The poor don't make enough money to pay federal income tax, so even if they did take advantage of the new sales tax deduction, it doesn't get them anything... but hey, we gotta punish them for being poor, we gotta steal not only their bootstraps but their boots, and then whine that they aren't pulling themselves up by their bootstraps when we fucking *stole* their bootstraps by cutting schools to the bone so they can't get an education, depriving them of health care so they're too sick to work, and so forth. Whatta deal!

Teach a man to fish, and he's fed for life. Steal his fishing pole and then whine that he is a lazy slacker who doesn't feed himself, and you're just an asshole. Just sayin'.

-- Badtux the ain't-an-asshole Penguin


  1. I didn't vote for Ahrnie , don't know anyone who did . But then , I saw No reason to recall the governor to begin with , and now we have Ahrnoldt ! Cut state workers wages , yea right , there's a popularity stunt ? Add a 1% increase to the sales tax ? ? ? Jesus H Frozen Herring ! Where in the world am I supposed to come up another 1% when I buy something ? My wife is on Fed. disability , she got like 3% increase one year , how much has gas alone gone up ? Not counting food , medications or any other expense .
    And how about the millions Ahrnold spent on his special election ? Propositions that All failed as I remember . Shouldn't he have to pay that back to the state ?
    Cant we recall Ahrnie Now ?

  2. They are all fucking crazy, crazy I tell you. The big nuts work their way to the top of the pile, just like a truck load of rocks.

    I'm surrounded by fucking idiots.

    But on the bright side, I was given a carb that may work on my scooter today. May need it to get away from the monkeys someday.

  3. I understand Ahnuld's approval ratings are quite awful. True or false?

    After his crack about "economic girlie men" at the 2004 convention, I have been experiencing some schadenfreude. Only girlie men pick on old people, after all.

  4. This isn't going to help his delusion of becoming the junior Senator from CA.

  5. Every time I read this blog I am reminded that the elites of the US had no trouble with the favela system.


  6. I had simlar thought when I heard that, but I love the way you stated it.

  7. because Medi-Cal disbursements have been cut to the point where no doctors or hospitals will accept Medi-Cal

    This is one of the stupidest decisions ever. I work for a state agency that funds services for developmental disabilities. Because of the Medi-Cal cuts, many of our nursing providers stopped providing their Medi-Cal funded service hours, because they can't afford to pay their nurses and assistants. Well, what happens then? My agency has to pay for the gap in service hours at the Medi-Cal rate! And where do those funds come from? THE STATE!

    The Governator can be so fricking stupid.


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