Monday, August 11, 2008


The "leader of the free world", Jenna, and Not-Jenna show the world how dignified a U.S. President can be as they watch the Olympics.

Note the scabbing on the Chimperors' right arm. Looks like Chimpy McBoozy's been hitting the bottle and falling down drunk again...

-- Badtux the More-dignified Penguin
(Probably the permanent formal wear, heh)


  1. Looks like he is smokin' a doobie. Some way wicked Maui Wowie stuff.

    (Oh...sorry...Maui is a part of that "exotic" place, Hawai'i.)

  2. What a fuckin' dork. Unfortuntely, he's in control. His fucking family is in control, along with the...oh never mind, you already know.


  3. Whistling Jesus on a pita chip.

    The US pretzeldent hard at werk.

  4. Folks, this is the true niche for the Bush. Sportus fanaticus Americanus. DagonAlmighty, he would look at home wearing a beer hat. Not that it is evil, just that he would be far more would we.



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