Friday, August 08, 2008

Omens and portents

My subconscious is trying to tell me something. I got woken up several times by nightmares last night. The basic theme of all of them was, "evil is coming. Run and hide."

What exactly is tickling my subconscious, I have a bad feeling I'll find out in the coming weeks...

-- Badtux the Omen-scrying Penguin


  1. I've been having nightmares, too. Stuff about Charles Manson and doom and murder and gloom and running and screaming. I awake with the worst feeling of foreboding.

    I believe in my abilities this way; I knew with absolute certainty that I would never see my brother again when he left for his second tour over in Iraq, and I was right. When I received word that he had been killed, I was saddened beyond belief, but not surprised.

  2. OH no, me too.

    I dreamed that gangs of priests and preachers with shotguns and automatic weapons were shooting down anything that moved and raping children.

    The dream ended with me shotgun blast aimed at me.

    I got lucky, they didn't rape me, first.

    What does it all mean?


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