Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Mighty Fang's political blog

Me: Who do you support for President?
Me: John McCain?
Me: You're crying about the possibility of John McCain being President?
Me: You want to eat John McCain?
TMF: Sweepy time, lap?
Me: John McCain puts you to sleep?
TMF: Look, you moron, I'm a cat. All I care about is food, water, and sleepy time, preferably on your lap. So quit chattering like a monkey and start serving me properly, slave!

Methinks this "political cat blogging" thing doesn't work out too well around this household...

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Drat.
    I had assumed (incorrectly) that TMF would have some genius to shed on platforms or candidates. I'll have to find another source of wisdom.

  2. My cats, alas, are not the brightest of bulbs. Oh well, they make up for that by being warm, soft, and cuddly, and the source of many purrs...

    -- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

  3. If you talk politics around here , you get two large paws in your lap and a head almost as large as mine with a big tounge trying to lick your face off . The critters really don't like it when I get that pissed off .
    On the other hand at your place > I can't understand why the mention of McSame didn't poduce at least a hairball ?
    drowning in canine love


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