Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hurricane Gustav

Just hoping everybody got out of New Orleans okay. Especially from the southern suburbs, because Gustav is going to push water up into Terrebonne Parish and is likely to slosh over the back levees of the part of New Orleans that did *not* flood last time (the West Bank).

My brother is doing fine. He's on high ground fifty miles inland in a 130 year old house that has survived pretty much everything that has ever happened to Louisiana. But it's going to be interesting to see whether he has an office left to go back to -- he works in Intracoastal City.

-- Badtux the Louisiana Penguin


  1. I simply do not give a crap, if they are too stupid to move that town of lowlifes that nature needs the area for her work they deserve to get hammered.

    And they expect the rest of us to bail them out with our tax dollars. Okay, if you think we should, get your ass back to work, I'm going camping.

  2. Louisiana gives us approximately 20-30% of our domestic oil.

    We better "bail" them out. We owe them big time.

    bbc - if you want to clean out a town of lowlifes, perhaps you should start with the lobbyists in Washington DC.


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