Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's Freedom(tm)!

ABC News reporter arrested for taking photos of fat cat lobbyists meeting with Senators.

Folks, this has nothing to do with Obama or McCain. This has to do with a Denver Police Department that has been out-of-control and lawless for decades. For example, it was found back in 2002 that they were spying on ordinary citizens to the point where they had even had a file that classified a 73 year old nun as an "criminal extremist" and the Quakers as an "anti-government terrorist group." Yes, *Quakers*, those folks who are so pacifist that if you walk up to one and slug him, he will turn the other cheek so you can slug that one too. That's just an example of how lawless the Denver Police Department has been for literally decades.

Unfortunately, the majority of Americans don't mind that their police forces are acting like paramilitary goons. They just don't want to be bothered with that "democracy" stuff, it's too much work, and besides, American Idle is on. Most Americans, it seems, would prefer that the cops be judge, jury, and executioner. So much easier that way. So freedom becomes Freedom(tm), a trademark of Corporate America that is like lite beer -- less taste, less filling, less of what once made America the greatest nation on Earth. And nobody gives a flip, or cares, or bothers doing anything about it because, well, American Idle is on, we gotta have our priorities straight, right? Right? Right?!!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

Freedom(tm) is a trademark of Corporate America, your owners. Any resemblance to the non-trademarked term "freedom" is coincidental. Offer void where prohibited, refunds not given in the event of cancellation.

1 comment:

  1. That's "American Idol," in which Americans worship at the altar of some often-untalented-but-probably-good-looking gasbag that Simon likes.

    "American Idle" pretty much describes our nation's response to Franklin's quip that we are a republic... "if you can keep it." If the price of freedom is eternal vigilance... too expensive. Hell, if it's a buck and a quarter... too expensive. We clearly don't give a s*** if we live in freedom or under the rule of law or not (as long as our t.v. shows come on as scheduled). Americans have always gotten more incensed about injustice in selection of college fooltball champions than in the selection of our "elected leaders". And as long as the cops are willing to kick the ass of someone else... hey, what time is our show on?


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