Monday, August 04, 2008


I have a deal for ALF animal rights activists: since you care so much about those little bunnies and mice and rats being used in cancer research, obviously much more than you care about the thousands of human beings dieing in agony right now from incurable cancers, here's my deal for you: Take their place. I mean, you already say that mice and rats are more valuable than human beings, so that's not a big sacrifice, is it?

C'mon. Let's treat you guys with these cancer drugs and make sure you don't die from them, and then we won't have to experiment with them on the rats and mice that you guys obviously care so much about that you're willing to fire-bomb the homes and cars of cancer researchers. And if we can figure out some way to give you cancer too, so we can see whether these drugs actually work, more the better! Bummer if the drugs don't work, but hey, you already said that a rat's life is worth more than your own life, so it's no big deal, right? Right? Right?!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

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