Thursday, August 28, 2008

Historical revision

Did you know that Hitler was a socialist? Really! And Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican when he was assassinated. And Stalin was a fascist, not a Communist. Except Communists are the same thing as fascists, even though Hitler killed every Communist he could find. And Russia attacked Georgia rather than Georgia invading South Ossetia. And war is peace. Freedom is tyranny. Obama is a Socialist. GAH!

Y'know, I would have more respect for these people if they were not so obviously using George Orwell's novel 1984 as their template. In 1984, the English language is being re-written into NewSpeak. Words that once had meaning now mean the exact opposite of what they once meant, or have changed in meaning to be exactly what Big Brother wants them to be. There are entire areas of thought that are no longer capable of being discussed because the words to use to discuss them no longer have the meaning they once have.

Now me, I read 1984 and I see a precautionary tale. But when it comes to the tighty righties and their assault upon the English language, it's clear that the tighty righties don't see 1984 as a precautionary tale. They see it as an instruction manual. And the end product of that instruction manual? Why, we all know that one. If you want a picture of their perfect future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.

-- Badtux the Literary Penguin


  1. I believe that 1984 was more a prediction of things to come, if we kept down the same path. The way I see it, Orwell was off by about 30-40 years.

  2. it's clear that the tighty righties don't see 1984 as a precautionary tale. They see it as an instruction manual.

    Badtux, have you been stealing from my Blogger profile? The part under "Favorite Books"?

  3. You know why isn't it in the news about Georgia invading, it is kind of scary...


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