Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Political cat blogging with Mencken

Having given TMF an opportunity to blog about politics, I of course had to give Mencken his chance. So I woke him up as he slept on my bed and asked him if he wanted to do a political post.

Me: Do you want to do a political post?
Mencken: Bah humbug.
Me: Oh come on. What do you think about Obama?
Mencken: He sucks.
Me: Why do you say that?
Mencken: Everything sucks. You suck. Obama sucks. McCain sucks. The world sucks. Go away.
Me: Oh come on now, surely something doesn't suck?
Mencken: Pet me. That doesn't suck.
Me: So you aren't going to enlighten us about politics? C'mon, give us your wisdom!
Mencken: [hack cough cough cough PUKE!][giant hairball now adorning my quilt] You want wisdom? There's your wisdom. Now sod off, you silly monkey, I'm trying to sleep here.

Sigh. How I envy Pissed Off Patricia and her wise kitty, Fred the Cat, who always has something to say about current events...

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Methinks that Mencken's namesake would be disappointed. While the acerbic nature fits, the failure to comment on politics?

    Well, he is a kitteh. And they are emotionals....

  2. I am with Mencken. There is naught to say.


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