Monday, August 25, 2008


I have become a hermit until November 4.

That is all.

-- Badtux the Hermit Penguin
PS: Don't expect my resolve to last any longer than it has in the past, heh!


  1. Yea , I used to keep up on politics too . Now I just watch the news to see what new dumb thing McCain has done and of course check on any impeachment talk . Then it's back to Icanhas Cheeseburger for something interesting .
    waiting for the day after the

  2. It's OK to be a hermit. Just don't become a crab

  3. Looks like your resolve lasted about seven hours...

  4. I was going to suggest that you have TMF do your political blogging.
    Cats are so intuitive about these things....

  5. Jim, at least I'm not blogging about the convention. That would be ooky.

    DP, my cats just aren't braniacs. Oh well!

    Bukko: Maybe in twenty years I'll be as crabby as that old man. Maybe.

    w3ski: icanhascheeseburger is the cat's meow!

    - Badtux the Bloggin' Penguin


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