Friday, August 15, 2008


Traffic was backed up this morning because of a concert/festival at Shoreline Ampitheater starting at 11am this morning. Lots of alternative/electronica/metalcore bands that I never heard of. The kids walking down the street (having parked elsewhere to avoid paying parking fees) are certainly the fashion plate. Apparently, for teen guys, skinny saggers are apparently the "in" thing. These combine tight pants that cling to the legs with low-riding waist that shows the butt crack area and gives you a good view of the dude's underwear. Call it ghetto slim. For gals, it's tight shirts and hip-huggers that showcase their fat hips and thunder thighs as they blob their pasty way down the street. None of the girls appeared to be over 20 years old or so, as you'd expect since older girls would have a job and not be going to a concert on a Friday afternoon. Almost all of them seemed to have said "super-size it, please!" more than once when grabbing chow at a fast-food place.

Sigh. Kids today. (Insert photo of crotchety old man shaking his fist and saying "you darned kids get off my lawn!").

-- Badtux the Fashion Penguin


  1., I know, but you must be so proud...

    From a specieist, standpoint, that is...

    [I'm sure you must have received a gazillion emails about this, but still...]

  2. Yeah, the kids these days *sigh*

    mine ain't like that,

    *contented sigh*

  3. Actually, through the miracle of science-based technology, we have those things called yearbooks with photographs. Comparing the 1970s girls with today's leads one to the inescapable conclusion of heavier modern teens. My graduating class had one girlchild with chin wattles. Over half the current crop have them. Scary.


  4. My neighborhood is in close proximity to three college campuses, and you can't swing a dead cat without hitting ten ridiculous-looking young people. They make me feel a lot less self conscious when I see photos of me taken in the 80s with a scarf tied around my wrist and that hair that took 30 minutes to arrange into that just-so mess...


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