Friday, August 01, 2008

Can I post?

I'm almost disappointed, all the best liberal blogs are being locked out by yet my own little penguin nest on the Internet is still posting fine. Maybe they just like all the penguin droppings littering the place, sob!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. "Guys From Area 51" is back up through no effort on our own (of which I'm aware...)

    In the future, try being more offensive. Works for us.

  2. Hmm. I guess "Obama is a scary nigger", "bull fucking shit", "go fuck themselves", "bullshit" aren't offensive enough. Hrmm.... (Penguin goes bumbling off pondering how to be more offensive. Heh).

    - Badtux the Inoffensive Penguin

  3. Well, I get your blog and some other of the liberal voice and point of view - so if Blogger is blocking something it must be for my own good. That is the reasoning I hear on helmets, guns and drugs all for my own good.

  4. They also blocked Plush Life which features the pictures of two Maine coon cats, and not much else, and Pen-Elayne which is the Silly Site of the day, comic books, and kvetching about commuting to work in NYC.

    I believe the process is called releasing a software patch without really testing it.

  5. Earl - you're preachin' to the choir here, if you haven't figured it out yet. This ornery penguin thinks busybodies ought to mind their own pee-brained bizness and leave morons to splatter their brains across the freeway or snort their nostrils up through their brain cavities if they want.

    Bryan: Ya figger?! Reminds me of when my boss ordered me to release a new scheduling subsystem to our school districts two weeks before the end of the semester. I pointed out "they haven't been trained on this new software, it'll be a fiasco and a disaster" (and believe me I was not shy about pointing out every single reason that this was a dumb idea, that was the biggest reason it was a dumb idea but there were a dozen other reasons and I pounded them all at him), but he insisted the old software was broken (despite having worked for their end-of-semester scheduling for the previous *six years*) and thus we *had* to release the new software. Needless to say, at the next coordination meeting he got roasted by the school district IT managers, and had to meekly say "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" and agree to abide by sensible standards for software release that didn't dump an entirely new subsystem upon school secretaries without training them on it... and I got to smile at him after the meeting and give him a mild "told you so!" and then move on. Ah yes, history. Me and him got at each other pretty often, he was a big brash opinionated dude and I was a smaller Cajun dude with opinions of my own, but at the end of the day we knew where we stood, no backstabbing or bullshit involved, and he respected that. He tracked me down a year later and two cities later and tried to hire me back again, after I'd told him it was time for me to move on and done so. At the time he came by and visited me at my new employer (did I say he was brash? Yes, he was brash!) I was in the process of trying to instill a similar ethic into the workplace there, a no bullshit no excuses ethic where we hashed out our differences, decided what we were gonna do, and did it and got friggin' product thrown over the transom. When I came out of the meeting he smiled and said "yep, same old you, I heard you all the way through a closed door."

    Ah yes, those were the days. Glad they're over with, school pay is shit :-).

    -- Badtux the Geeky Penguin

  6. They are locking out liberal sites? Define liberal for me.

  7. It's not just liberal blogs, but we talk to each other more.

    Thanks for the linky love, honey.


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