Thursday, August 14, 2008

Olympic swimming

I assume my gay readers are having a really nice time watching the U.S. swim team. It's like gay porn without the sausage. As a penguin I'm not quite sure what exactly is the attraction -- their plumage is rather, err, lacking, and they swim like monkeys thrashing the waters desperately instead of elegantly like penguins -- but just for those who appreciate, here is some beefcake:

Just making sure you get your daily dose of gay porn!

-- Badtux the Helpful Penguin


  1. The first two pix remind me of (a more muscular) Adam Sandler, screaming as usual, in one of his over-rated, over-hyped, "yeah-I-ride-the-short-bus-and-I'm-damn-proud-of-it" roles, the ones that make me dream longingly of rolling back the calendar to the days before DVD, VHS, or TV. The only thing missing is the rope of drool from his mouth.

    Other than that, thanks for the pictures!

  2. Don't forget the 'fans' of little girl's gymnastics. Without the veneer of sports, you'd take them for a one-way to the local jail.

    Hey, they'se young, fit, photogenic, and far away. What more do you want in a fantasy?


  3. Hey that bottom pic is pretty enough for us dirty old ladies, too. Those fabulous gay guys do NOT get dibs on all the fantasies!

  4. Penguin,

    Gay? Nah. . .y'think? Can't they just be immaculately coiffed, super buff, happy lads? Are you saying love handles make for a hetero male?

  5. Dude, the French guys?

    Talking shit got their ass handed to them,



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