Saturday, August 02, 2008

Those rock'n'roll drummers are tough!

Even the 12 year old girl ones. A 12-year old girl in New York City, Grace Bergere, survived a 180 foot fall down a chimney and escaped with only a broken hip. When not taking swan dives down chimneys, she is the drummer in a band called "Fluffy Skulls". Clearly, she landed on her head, a drummer's densest part. Ba da boom! (Yeah, you know how us guitar players love ribbing drummers about their thick skulls, heh!).

-- Badtux the Well-wishing Penguin


  1. Thank Dagon she lived. Now if we could instill some smarts!


  2. heard this one from a drummer:

    how do you get a guitar player off of your porch?

    pay for the pizza.


  3. Mold -- drummers don't tend to be very intellectual people, as you'd expect from people who spend a lot of time beating things with sticks. Thus drummer jokes :-).

    MB - I actually worked as a pizza delivery dude during my college days, but it still took me about 30 seconds to get your drummer's joke. So I guess in this case, the guitar player is the one with the dense head, heh.

    - Badtux the Guitar Penguin

  4. i thought she was mary poppins

  5. How can you tell the drum riser is level?

    The drummer drools equally from both sides of the mouth.

    Ba-dum ba-dum.


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