Tuesday, August 19, 2008


A 17 year old kid let an 85 year old granny hold him at gunpoint with a .22 caliber pistol.

If this had been one of the gang-bangers that I worked with at the center back in the day, Leda Smith would be dead. He would have had a gun in his hand when he went in, and he would have shot her and killed her the moment she emerged from the bedroom with a gun in her hand, because she came out of that bedroom ready to talk, not ready to shoot to kill. Luckily this was some neighborhood kid intent on a quick smash and grab, rather than a hard-core criminal. Otherwise there would be a dead body on the floor.

But I'm sure that the tighty righties are now going to all join together and chant, "arm the grannies!" Nevermind the body count, that's just a trifling detail...

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

PS: Found the perfect photo for the tighty righties:

1 comment:

  1. Great photo....and I'm surprised that the pro-gun folks I know from my home state (Texas) haven't grabbed this and run amok with it.

    They'll still be wrong but I know it will give them more fodder for thinking they're right.


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