Sunday, August 03, 2008

John McCain don't like black people

He had his security detail remove a credentialed black reporter from the Tallahassee Democrat from the press area for the crime of reporting while black.

This was before any questions were asked so apparently Johnny Mac just didn't like the way that reporter looked. Apparently Johnny Mac is trying to up his credentials with the KKK crowd for being "tough on niggers".

-- Badtux the "Can we call it racism yet?" Penguin


  1. ...this whole story stinks six ways from Sunday, but it's not going to see the light of day, because the (primarily white) members of the MSM are angling for another Sedona 'beer and barbeque' date with the Ol' Maverick and they aren't going to risk that opportunity over some local yokel getting booted for the crime of "Reporting For A Local Media Outlet While Black".

    After all, Juan Williams doesn't have any trouble with McCain's security detail, so it's no big deal, really...

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Republican stupidity deleted. If you have an argument to make, say it, don't spray it. Republican talking points are not welcome, intellectual discussion is.


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