Wednesday, August 13, 2008

War on Liberals continues

Gunman invades office of Arkansas Democratic chairman, shoots him multiple times, and drives off in pickup truck. What do you bet that we're going to find out that this guy has copies of Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and Rush Limbaugh's books sitting on his bookshelves?

-- Badtux the "Had enough hate speech yet?" Penguin


  1. The stoopids know it will soon return to stoopids not being able to obtain unearned positions. The thought of adults running the show upsets them terribly.

    Too f*cking bad for them

    Sympathies to the family and friends of Mr Gwatney.


  2. But it won't be attributed to the hate mongers, it will just be another "isolated" nutjob.
    Gods, but I am sick of this two-faced crap and the whirlwind it reaps for innocents.


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