Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Today's Presidential campaign update

John McCain tells lies. Press reports them with a question mark. Obama gives some speech somewhere that the press doesn't cover where he calls McCain on his lies. Nobody knows because the press only covers the lies, not the response.

Tomorrow, more of the same. And the next day. And the next day. And the next...

- Badtux the Tired Penguin


  1. Do you mean the lie where McCain plagiarised Solzhenitsyn, or was there some newer lie?

    You KNOW the corporate press are hacks and shills for teh power. It was starting to get that way when I was drummed out of the profession, and that was two decades ago. Shouldn't be surprising to see it playing out, although it IS disappointing every time one is reminded that "Oh -- the bitter cynical thing you thought? Here it is, in your face, like a puddle of vomit the cat left silently behind on the spare pillow whilst you were sleeping."

  2. I'm talking about the book full of lies that the McCain campaign is floating, via various cut-outs to give them "plausible deniability". You know the one, Obama is a secret Muslim, Michelle is a scary black militant who wants to kill whitey, all that?

    - Badtux the Disgusted Penguin


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