Thursday, August 14, 2008

That oh-so-mighty Georgian military

They might run screaming like little children anytime a Russian points a water pistol in their direction, but they sure are hard on unarmed journalists.

To be fair, if I saw a Faux News "journalist" around and I was armed with an AK-47, I might be tempted to see how fast he could run too :-).

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Hey, it was FOX news wasn't it?

  2. Shades of Blair Witch.

    With the Russian military showing just how venal and cowardly the neo-con Georgian Dear Leader is, Fox may have needed to 'balance' the news a bit. Oh, most of the civilian casualties are from Dear Leader's ethnic cleansing of Ossetians.

    As was stated before, the Georgain military was being trained to remove dissenters, not take on one the most fearsome armies in the world. If you are instructed in the ways of the Feith and Addington, facing an armed adversary may cause loosening of your bowels.


  3. The Russian Army nowdays isn't one of the most fearsome armies in the world. The 19th Mounted Rifle Division, the first Russian unit through the tunnel, is better trained than the typical Russian division but otherwise unexceptional. They're armed with 1970's-era Soviet weapons, not the latest and greatest, because while Putin gave them money to hire full-time professional sergeants and more fuel for training, he didn't give them any money for new weapons. They're armed for chasing Chechen guerrillas, not for invading neighboring countries.

    Not that it matters. If you're bad-asses with an attitude, the fact that your weapons are older than most of your soldiers isn't what's going to decide the battle. The fact that your opponents are scared draftee soldiers with no real desire to die is what's going to decide the battle. It's as if the U.S. Marine Corps went up against the Iraqi Army. Oops, we already saw that one -- twice :-).

    -- Badtux the War Penguin


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