Friday, August 08, 2008

Question for tighty righties

You are fond of saying that Obama espouses "socialist policies". Can you please point to me one of those socialist policies? Because I read Obama's web site, which has enough policy proposals on it to make a penguin's head spin, and all I found was centerist policy proposals based upon using the free market to solve problems (with a bit of a nudge from government in terms of tax breaks, incentives, etc.). Just in case you're fuzzy on the concept of socialism, socialism is the notion that government itself should directly provide employment, goods, and services -- tax breaks and incentives have nothing to do with socialism.

So can you point me to one web page on Obama's web site that espouses a socialist policy, i.e., that proposes government replacing private enterprise in providing employment, goods, and services? This penguin is willing to believe, but he's kinda a Missouri mule -- ya gotta show him the money or he don't believe ya. So -- got a link?

-- Badtux the Skeptical Penguin


  1. I've wondered the same thing. The only socialist in Congress is Bernie Sanders, and he's an independent. Before the righties talk about socialism, they should be asked the following questions:

    a. Do you know what socialism is?

    b. Have you even read The Communist Manifesto?

    c. Have you bothered to compare the Soviet Union to America under, say, FDR, Truman, or Clinton? Do you notice ANY similarities? Any at all?

    And finally...

    d. Do you realize that you blow your own credibility to smithereens every time you compare Obama, Clinton, or any other Democrat to socialists?

  2. Tux and Truffle: you're focusing on FACTS. You make the mistake of believing that facts matter to these people. They don't. It's all about perception. They want to THINK that Obama is the most liberal Senator. The "fact" that he isn't matters not. They believe what they believe because they want to believe it. Facts do not enter the equation.

  3. Oh, I certainly understand that, Bukko. I'm just waiting for any tighty righty to respond accordingly. Strange to say, though, they aren't doing so...

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  4. the righties never let facts get in the way of a good story


    and it got us reagan, bush 1 and bush 2

    and delay, mcconnel, newt

    should i go on

  5. Don't forget that at the heart of every meme is "Me! Me!"

    (I don't know what that's supposed to memean, but it makes a catchy phrase...)


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