Friday, August 22, 2008

John McCain lied?

Of course not. When a Republican lies, it's not a lie. It's an "error", and when pointed out, disappears down the "memory hole".

So nevermind that Mother Theresa lie. It never existed. The chocolate ration is 25 grams. The chocolate ration has always been 25 grams. If you believe the chocolate ration was ever 30 grams, report for psychological counseling, citizen.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. But... but... but... Mother Theresa told Cindy to adopt that brown baby right after the saint drew the cross in the dirt using nothing but the Heaven-sent power of her mind! It must be so -- it couldn't be something Cindy imagined through her Vicodin goggles.

  2. maybe cindy thought mother teresa had some good blue pills and this was the cover..

    mccain -- worse than bush, only more insane


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