Thursday, August 21, 2008

If you don't know how many houses you own...

maybe you're out-of-touch with the concerns of real Americans?

For the record, unlike John McCain, I can answer the question "how many houses do you own?". The answer is "One." If you don’t know how many houses you have, then it’s not surprising that you might think the economy is fundamentally strong, eh?

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Yeah, since most of us would answer "zero".

  2. While I'm glad to see McCanetoad getting smacked around, it's ultimately more trivia. A bright shiny object to distract the booboisie for today's news cycle. "Oooh, Obama says McCain has 10 houses and doesn't even know about it!" No one is asking what McCain or Obama is going to do about 10s of thousands of Americans being foreclosed out of their houses. Let's just keep whistling past the graveyard of the American economy, and hope the hungry people who now have to squat there don't come out to bash our brains out and drag our bodies back to barbeque...


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