Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Apple is hot

Literally. And that's not counting exploding iPods, power supply cables that catch on fire, and roasting video chips. Seems that one of their IT buildings caught on fire. Luckily it apparently wasn't an important one.

As for Apple's other, err, hot, problems, oh well. Apple still makes the best personal computers on the planet. A shame they're so expensive, but so it goes...

-- Badtux the MacPenguin


  1. Is it just me, or are Jobs & co spending much more on design than on safety and functionality? The whole iPhone/MobileMe mess comes to mind...

  2. As someone in the industry, I can tell you that Apple's mis-steps are no worse than anybody else's. They just get more attention because Apple sells more personal computers and personal multimedia devices (as vs. business computers) here than anybody else. You can't go into any cafe' here without seeing glowing Apple logos on the backs of all the notebook computers in sight, with the occasional work-issued Dell to break the monotony.

    What Apple does right, however, is design and functionality. I use MacOS 10.5 on my Macbook as my primary computing environment nowdays, running Windows and Linux inside VMware Fusion to handle tasks where I need them. Because I develop for Unix, having a Unix-based desktop environment like MacOS is a good deal for me, and the OS is a lot slicker and functional as compared to Linux on a regular Windows-type laptop, Linux has problems dealing with things like Bluetooth modems and many wireless adapters as well as the Linux GUI desktops being slower than the MacOS GUI.

    In short, despite the occasional flaws, the Apple stuff is still the best on the market. Just too expensive for many businesses to justify when they can buy Windows desktops for $600 apiece and really good Windows laptops for $900 apiece.

    -Badtux the MacPenguin

  3. I love my mac. But recently I've been considering replacing it for a new one, but I've only had it since 06, I'd like to have more RAM and such, so I don't know if I should just take it in for a total over haul, or just get a new one...Hey, can you recommend any product to take out the scratches on the shell? I took it in a couple days ago to a local Mac store to have my top case replaced, and it came back scratched to shit, and even though it's pretty cosmetic, it's really fucking pissing me off.

  4. Badtux, agree with ou on the .mac/mobileme/iphone3G activation mess. It happens throughout the industry, where too ambitious goals run headlong into cost-cutting and management challenges.

    As for pricing, I still think they offer a reasonably priced product. A high-end PC with a comparable monitor that would compare favourably with my iMac (core2, white 20") actually cost more when I went and bought the Mac last April, and an all-in-on like a $ony Vaio ist way OTT. Xserves are still a little out of reach for me as a private person, so my home servers will remain to be Linux boxen with home- made hardware.

    The best endorsement my decision to go back (used to be a NeXT and NeXTstep user, still have PA-RISCs with NS around) gets, is when I boot over to Windows to play games (which I had bought for Windows before), by way of performance and (in)stability. Mac OS X thankfully still does things different from Windows, and is my clear choice for productive work.


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