Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday Netflix viewing

Girl Scout: (Points at lemonade). Is this made from real lemons?
Wednesday: Yes.
Girl Scout: I only like all-natural foods and beverages, organically grown, with no preservatives. Are you sure they're real lemons?
Pugsley: Yes.
Girl Scout: Well, I'll tell you what. I'll buy a cup if you buy a box of my delicious Girl Scout cookies. Do we have a deal?
Wednesday: Are they made from real Girl Scouts?

That's pretty much it. The Addams Family. Just a fun little movie. Popcorn. Christina Ricci's second film after Mermaids, and she nails Wednesday. It would have worked better as a 1 hour episode of the series, 90 minutes is just too long for the thin plot to get stretched across, but still an entertaining way to waste 90 minutes when you're all busted up and can't do anything.

-- Badtux the Movie Penguin


  1. i dug the hell outta that one.

    i'm a ricci fan. can't help myself.

  2. Great entertainment.
    I hope the felines are providing tea and sympathy (or at least companionship and purrs) as well.

  3. The kittehs are definitely providing warmth and purrs. When I went to sleep last night, Mencken was curled against my upper body and TMF was keeping my feet warm. This morning, it was the other way around.

    -- Badtux the Purred Penguin

  4. Sorry you're feeling poorly.

  5. My favorite part is when they force her to smile.

  6. Err, no, Ronin, that's the next movie, not the original. Wednesday never smiles in the original movie.

    -Badtux the Movie Penguin

  7. Thanks for reminder..must put Addams Family on my netflix list. Not only for the wonderfully venomous Wednesday but for the incomparable Raul Julia.


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