Monday, August 04, 2008

Death of a royalist

A crotchety old man who hated democracy and wanted to restore the Russian monarchy has died. And oh yeah, he also won a Nobel prize for literature for his works about the Soviet gulag.

Now that the American Gulag is worldwide, with dozens of CIA "black sites" as well as more open outposts in places like Baghran AFB in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay Naval Bse in Cuba as well as thousands upon thousands of county lockups that are twice the size they need to be thanks to generous grants by our federal government to create a "stealth gulag" that is in almost every county of the nation, it might be a good idea to re-read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's works. At the very least, they might serve you well as a survival guide for how to survive in the new Soviet America that is rising from the ashes of the American Republic. Just don't call the man who wrote these works a "fighter for freedom", because he wasn't. He simply hated the Communists, and he had no love for freedom or democracy because he felt the average person was simply too stupid to take advantage of freedom or democracy. So it goes.

-- Badtux the Sovok Penguin


  1. he had no love for freedom or democracy because he felt the average person was simply too stupid to take advantage of freedom or democracy

    I'm not saying Solzhenitsyn was right, but I can think of 59 million arguments for his point of view.

  2. "...he felt the average person was simply too stupid to take advantage of freedom or democracy." I see EBM has beat me to the point, but I have to ask anyway: don't you worry sometimes Solzhenitsyn was right? There's very little that depresses me more, and I try not to dwell on it, but it just seems sometimes that too many people are willing to believe what they're told so they can avoid that most obnoxious of activities, thinking.

  3. he had no love for freedom or democracy because he felt the average person was simply too stupid to take advantage of freedom or democracy

    Everybody's beating me to it! Yes, it seems that for the mass of Americans, they live in the OppositeLand Lake Woebegon, "where all the citizens are BELOW average." Well, the masses are going to get what they deserve. Except for Tux and you two above me, who obviously don't deserve what's coming...

    On the bright side, just think -- somewhere out there in the American gulag, there's a Nobel Prize-wqinning author gatherimg material!

  4. Well, I have to agree with Winston Churchill here, who supposedly said that democracy is the worst of all possible forms of government, except for all others.

    Sure, there have been enlightened philosopher-kings such as, say, Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore who took his state from being a handful of sleepy Chinese fishing villages on the Malay peninsula near a British naval base to being a 1st world modern city-state, or Park Chung-hee of South Korea who took a nation that was utter rubble in the aftermath of the Korean War, a nation of small subsistence farmers and fishermen, and built it into an industrial power. But those are rare, and you'll note that generally they transition their nations to democracy at the end of their rule.

    For the most part I have no love for the block-headed American who believes any illogical bullshit that anybody pours in his head, but I have no real alternative other than to let America get what it deserves, good and hard, at which point even an idiot lunk-head can figure things out. Sigh. So it goes.

    - Badtux the Democratic Penguin

  5. Everyone points at democracy and says bad things, from the Greeks onward---its those damned lazy, stupid citizens and their love of demagogues, you know? But, it's just so damned hard to find that benevolent tyrant....and yes, the American gulag era begins, even as we type.


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