Monday, July 14, 2008

Zen and the art of motorcycle detonation

So how's that Afghan war going, anyhow? Hmm... motorcycle suicide bomber detonates, kills four and injures many. U.S. outpost overrun, nine U.S. soldiers dead. Teenager wearing suicide vest detonates it, kills two soldiers and wounds several civilians. And so on and so forth.

Yessiree, sounds like victory is in sight alright -- for the Taliban. But never fear, because the tighty righties are quick to tell us the real story -- which is that the Taliban can't keep taking those sorts of losses and remain a viable fighting force.

Funny, I think I heard that before. Where a general was saying that the attacks upon his forces could not be sustained by the Afghan insurgents. Thing is, that was in 1986, and the general in question was a Soviet general. Sigh. George W. Bush not only wasn't happy until he gave us his very own personal Vietnam in Iraq... but then he had to give us the Soviet version of Vietnam too at the very same time. Wow, double-decker disaster dude, isn't he?

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Double decker alright, because he is double decker stupid. Course, we are double decker f*cked...


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