Wednesday, July 30, 2008

California bigots don't like truth

California bigots who want to eliminate the right of gays in California to marry want to change the name of Proposition 8 to something that lies. The proposition is truthfully described on the ballot as, "Eliminates the right of same-sex couples to marry". But the truth, they apparently fear, is something that is too inflammatory. So they sued the State of California for telling the truth about what the ballot proposal does.

The lawsuit claims that "the ballot language is inflammatory". But the ballot language simply describes what the proposition does. So truth is inflammatory? Awe, poor bigots! Mean State of California puts ballot language on the ballot that tells the truth, and they just can't stand it!

-- Badtux the non-bigot Penguin


  1. Bigots anywhere don't like the truth.

    Let those fruitcakes marry I say. How else can they enjoy the joys of divorce? Ha, ha, ha.

  2. Backers of Proposition 8 argued that they are not trying to eliminate anyone's rights but are simply seeking to restore the definition of marriage that existed in California before May 15, when the state Supreme Court struck down the law defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

    So, the courts struck down the status quo as being in violation of the state's constitution, and the bigots want the language to say "restore"? I guess they never read the ruling.

    "Hey, we don't want enslave black people, we just want to RESTORE the property rights of the plantation owners." --Random Bigot

  3. The Federalist Society agrees with lfc, except they are not being snarky. Recent appointees to the US Supreme Court are Federalist Society members.


  4. The truth burns.

  5. Welcome Sullivanites :-). I have no idea how Andrew Sullivan occasionally wanders by and links to me. I'm not on his blogroll. Maybe I'm one of his guilty reading secrets that he doesn't like to advertise (heh!). Anywho, feel free to look around, and don't mind the penguin poo!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin


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