Monday, July 07, 2008


The coppers cracked the case quickly when a frantic homeowner called about a UFO hovering over her yard...

No, not Mississippi. South Wales. Same difference, I guess.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Ya know, I had always wondered where South Wales was. (I figured it must be in Pommie-land -- everything here that's not named for its Aboriginal sound is named after something in the Mother Country.) New South Wales, that I know. It's where Sydney is. I wasn't sure there WAS on Old South Wales, though.

    As for the gist of the story, you'd be surprised at how many mentally ill or senile-ly demented people there are in the community. Addled people can still dial phones, at least until the mental defects get too overwhelming for them to function.


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