Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How to piss off a songwriter

Steal the title of one of his songs to say exactly the opposite of the songwriter's message. That pisses off a songwriter *big time*.

OUCH, look at the email at The Republican Song site!

Update: Now, A VIDEO. Heh!

-- Badtux the Unamused Songwritin' Penguin


  1. :::smacks head::::Great, just great. Now, for no good reason, I have the old Anne Murray song "Please don't sell Nova Scotia" running in my head with a whole NEW set of lyrics. Gods above and below, I want the election over with so I can go crazy at normal speed instead of at warp speed!

  2. YEOW!!!!!

    Dude, that sucks on so many levels. Given the general lack of skills by so many people using the 'Net, you are probably burning up bandwidth charges.

    At least now I know why they included the "the" in the URI.

  3. ouch.

    so that's what penguins look like when they get mad.

  4. Bryan, I used to run this blog on that server and it's otherwise only used for email and some family domains that use very little bandwidth, so bandwidth is not a problem. This blog used a fair amount of bandwidth (especially with all the photos I like to put on it), performance kinda sucked at those bandwidths which is why I moved it off to Google's servers, but anyhow, these nerds aren't even making that server breathe hard. Yeah they spiked my bandwidth. But I've only used 1% of my bandwidth allotment for the month, so I think I can handle it :-).

    Hipparchia -- irate penguins look like rednecks wearin' gimme caps from a big pile of gimme caps on the bookcase behind him? Heh!

    What impressed me most about that other song entitled "The Republican Song" was the complete suckitude of the song. I don't generally write political songs because they suck. Ideological tracts are, well, boring. A song has to be personal to be meaningful, has to make you feel something, and a song that just goes "me good because of reasons x,y,z, other not because of reasons a,b,c!" is a song that is just, well, dull. EG's TRS kind of skirts the edge, you end the song thinking, "what an asshole that dude is", but that's at least feeling something. Sigh.

    So it goes. So it goes.

    - Badtux the Musical Penguin

  5. You could've at least put on the Ché T-shirt that all liberals own, or had a North Vietnamese flag in the background.

  6. I'm not sure what a North Vietnamese flag looks like or how I would get one. As for Che, the most controversial T-shirt I own is one that says "Sweet Gnome Alabama" and has garden gnomes playing guitar. So it had to be with what was handy -- a pile of gimme caps (see: top of bookcase in background), the built-in webcam on the Macbook, and I hauled over the microphones from my recording studio though this is the first time I ever used iMovie so I couldn't figure out how to run the sound track through the usual post-processing (compression and amplification). Now, you try pickin' a fine bluegrass tune in an unfamiliar position (enforced by the Macbook's webcam) while reading the lyrics to a song that are taped to the bookshelf to your right (ten years, remember? Remembering lyrics after ten years wasn't happenin'!), and you'll see why I shot for "comic relief" rather than for "fine music"!

    - Badtux the Musical Penguin

  7. i've got a t-shirt that says nuke the gay whales for christ.

    if you want to make it into a fine bluegrass tune, you have my blessing. just post the video if you do.

  8. Just slap a big gold star in the middle of a red towel and you have the flag.

    Libya easier, it's just solid green.

  9. I love garden gnomes!!! Next video please rock the gnome shirt!

    Awesome song - loved it. Haven't listened to the other guy's (really no desire to) but I'm sure yours is better anyway.

    Wasn't McSame having trouble picking a campaign song a few months ago? Maybe he should use yours - the words are strangely fitting...


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