Thursday, July 24, 2008

John McCain proposes cuts to VA health care

Disgusting. John McCain says that VA should only treat combat injuries -- not any other service-related health issues. "Let them eat cake" appears to be his attitude toward all other veterans. Crashed your Humvee in Iraq because you were under fire and hit a drainage ditch and broke your neck when the Humvee flipped and are paralyzed? John McCain sez you don't deserve VA health care because that was a traffic accident, not a combat injury, and so you should just go home and die.

VA remains mired in crisis due to the poor planning by the Bush administration to handle the tidal wave of 325,000 Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran casualties now being treated at VA hospitals and clinics, not because the VA is also treating people suffering from Gulf War Syndrome, Agent Orange, and other service-related ailments. A Presidential candidate whose solution to the problem of poor planning by the Bush Administration is to cut services promised to our veterans, rather than to promise to fund those services with all the money needed, is beneath contempt.

Yes, I am saying that John McCain is beneath contempt for making such a suggestion. He just spit on our veterans. Maybe not literally, but just as bad. John McCain just showed that he's even less patriotic than Jane Fonda. Disgusting. Just disgusting. What next, he proposes to bite off the heads of kittens or boil babies?!

-- Badtux the Outraged Penguin


  1. Incredible. And a group of veterans in Seattle got together to go our and hold up "Vote for McCain" placards. Why? I mean, why? Every vet knows it is already a bitch and a half to get anything listed as 'service connected'...arrrrgh. Thursday is sucking on soooo many levels. I'm taking my iced coffee to the bathtub to sulk.

  2. It's popular to say that of course McCain supports our troops, but his voting record seems to show a very different point of view.

    He probably feels that if you need medical care as a vet, you should just marry into money ... the way he did.

  3. You have a point, Labrys. Here's what would happen if John McCain's proposal was adopted. Let's say you were driving a Humvee that came under fire and, in an attempt to evade fire, you managed to crash it into an irrigation ditch that you didn't see due to the crops in the way and break your neck and now you're paralyzed. According to the VA, that's not a combat injury, that's a traffic accident. Under John McCain's proposed policy, you don't qualify for VA health care since it is not a combat injury, sorry! Instead, you get kicked out of the system and sent home to die.

    What next, John McInsane proposes boiling and eating babies as the answer to world hunger?!

    - Badtux the Disgusted Penguin

  4. Well, if those monkeys keep fighting for stupid reasons maybe they don't deserve any benefits. I would so not go to any other country to fight any others monkeys war for him. We have no business doing anything other than protecting our own boarders.

    Not that I'm standing up for that fucking McCain.

  5. I don't have any boarders, I refuse to lease any rooms. And the "monkeys" can't seem to find any job except the military of late...gee, do I hear a conspiracy theory calling?

  6. McCain's voting record on veterans' issues can be found here.

    Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans used to have a database of elected officials and how they voted as well. Senators and congtresscritters all received letter grades. When John Kerry bungled his joke at Bush's expense before the 2006 elections, I looked up his entry at IAVA. He received a B grade. In fact, no Democratic senator received a grade lower than a B minus. McCain, meanwhile, received a C.

  7. Correction: In fact, IAVA gave McCain a D, not a C.

  8. And, yet, we godless liberals are the ones who supposed "hate" the troops because we oppose a needless war... you know... that hurts more troops.

    *goes to lie down*

  9. To understand the thinking of the "McCain is good for the military" crowd, you have to get down to the nut of what they consider "good for the military." It's code. It means LETTING THE MILITARY KILL PEOPLE.

    If you peel back the layers of their onion of belief, the foul, stinking concept at the core would be death. They might not even be able to admit it to themselves, because the few times I've been able to probe a "conservative's" mindset without them getting angry or squirming away from the subject at hand, they tend to be fuzzy about what they actually think. But what motivates them is a desire to hurt things. Usually they're not hard-edged enough to do it themselves, but they derive mental satisfaction from the thought of other people dishing out the pain.

    And that's what they believe McCain will do -- unleash death. It's the only purpose they can conceive of for the military. The fact that he's against making life better for actual military people matters not a bit to them. What's good in their eyes is gouging out other peoples'.

    I often wonder about the psychology behind it. Are they sadistic, abuser personalities? Were they beaten as children, and have an incohate desire for revenge? Are they so powerless in society that they want to lash out, and they can't do it themselves, so they revel in the notion of soldierly killing machines? Are they so fearful of anything different to them that they want it extinguished? Probably a combination of those factors.

    In any case, they're messed up. That's another reason I like lefties, as daft as they can be. At least they have more respect for humanity.

  10. no, mcCain is not proposing the boiling and eating of babies. he's a BBQ man. ask the press.

  11. Bukko,

    Killing is what the military does--it is a death-dealing machine. It is not USAID, Red Cross, nor State Dept. It's just perhaps not kosher to say that out loud, but that is what militaries do.

    McCain is pandering to his base, who want more money to fight the infidels.

    Wounded soldiers are yesterday's news.

  12. The question is not whether the job of soldiers is to kill people. The question is whether certain civilians *like* to see soldiers kill people. Normal, sane folk understand the necessity for soldiers to kill people but prefer that it not happen if there are other alternatives. Normal, sane folks see war as a last resort, not as something to do for kicks. Some other folks, however, simply like seeing death and destruction, and don't care what happens to the soldiers otherwise because, well, it isn't death and destruction. We have a word for those folks. They're called "psychopaths". And, alas, there are far, far too many of them in the American public right now... and some of them hold government offices.

    - Badtux the Realist Penguin

  13. Well, if those monkeys keep fighting for stupid reasons maybe they don't deserve any benefits

    All right, BBC, I've seen you leave some dumb-assed comments here before, but that one takes the cake. Those "monkeys" didn't choose to go to Iraq, they were sent there -- it was either that or be court-martialed. So give me a fucking break...

  14. Hey Lisa -- I think Badtux glommed my sentiments better than you. But then, he's smart, or else we wouldn't bother reading his squawkings.

    I know the military's job is to travel to foreign lands, meet interesting people and then kill them. My dad was career Army so I grew up on various bases; I have pix of one grandfather in his WW I military kit in France and a 5-pfennig German coin stained with what the other Gramps said was the blood of a German body he found in the trenches. I would have joined myself but for the fact that military medicos on MacDill AFB messed my leg up so badly after I got bitten by a rattlesnake that I was left 4-F.

    My point was that the psychopathic "base" that McInsane is trying to appeal to are those people who want killing as a first resort. Even noted military strategists such as von Klausewitz and Sun Tzu advocated war as a last choice. That's because they understood complexity. I fear that the core of the Rethuglican Party are those simple-minded souls who get drunk at the VFW and sputter "Let's just kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out."

    Are there enough of them to bring an election within KKKarl Rove's cheating distance? We shall see. I don't think so. But I'm glad to be seeing from a safe distance.


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