Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Feds convict some spammers...

Good. Too bad we can't draw and quarter them. Although I must admit that their latest tactic (inventing fictitious news headlines for their spam emails) is amusing at times (or just amusingly disgusting, like the previous John McCain headline, heh).

-- Badtux the Much-spammed Penguin


  1. Yeah, scummy monkeys.

  2. One Edward Davidson, a major spammer who was serving 21 months in a minimum security federal prison camp in Colorado, busted out last Sunday.

    He's presumably smart enough to know that's a free ticket to a real pound-me-in-the-ass prison, and he has lots of money stashed somewhere, so he's probably well past the border by now.

  3. Oops, wrong, he offed himself and his family yesterday.

  4. Wow, Deadstick, the things one learns from reading blogs! I Googled Davidson, who I had never heard of, and read a couple of the stories about his demise. At least he had the decency to well and truly kill himself, instead of botching the job and doing it halfway. But the wife and kids... Then there's the one he wounded and the one left untouched -- how messed-up are their lives going to be? So he guarantees a new generation of monsters.

    If America continues to deteriorate, I predict there will be an untold number of similar small-scale tragedies as people are driven to the wall. And that's the better-case scenario, the one that doesn't include widespread rioting and social breakdown. Will the last berserker left standing please save one bullet so you can shoot yourself in the eyeball when you're done?


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