Monday, July 28, 2008

Soviet Elections

In Soviet Russia, your vote was counted only if you voted for the correct candidate. If you complained that your vote wasn't counted, the judge would just laugh at you.

In Soviet America, her vote wasn't counted because she didn't vote for the correct candidate. And when she complained in court that her vote wasn't counted, the judge only laughed that she had no right to have her vote counted, and dismissed the lawsuit.

Who won the Cold War, again?!

-- Badtux the Sovok Penguin


  1. Well, jeez, BadTux, you ought to know that if you don't decide to vote for God's Own Party, you not only shouldn't be allowed to vote, you should be sent to Gitmo as a sweet-baby-Jeebus-hatin', islamodemocommie pinko creep. Don't you know that W is God's son? (You may recall that at one point, W said he had a God-given talent, that he got from his father) Yes, shock-jock Don Imus used to claim to be God's other son, but we know better now, don't we?

  2. you mean Diebold doesnt love america?


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