Sunday, July 27, 2008

GOP to poor, elderly: "Go f*** yourself."

GOP condemns poor, elderly to death from hypothermia. Such humanitarians, those Rethuglicans are. Can't coddle those old folks, gotta let'em freeze to death to stiffen their backbones, yessiree, why if they can't afford to heat their homes due to record profits going to oil companies, they should go to work as an oil company executive just like our Lord and Savior, George W. Bush, He who is the perfect being and all that!

This fall's ads: "Republicans voted to kill old people in the Northeast. Vote John McCain -- a compassionate conservative!"

Except that in Soviet America, no such ad would be allowed to run on any television network, of course...

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. And yet, polls show most older voters are going for McCain.
    I don't get it; if when I am older I get that stupidly, blindly conservative---go ahead, throw me out on an ice floe. ....Oh wait, those are all melting, I forgot.

  2. Always money for war, always cutbacks for the needy. God's new rule is, "them that has, gets." He was just foolin' with that "meek shall inherit the earth thing."

    A sop to get them to work harder for the Them That Has...?

  3. I don't know Lisa...more and more I see a Philip K. Dick/Ridley Scott sort of future. The "meek" will inherit this 'earth'...this depleted ball of dirt, because the rich bastards, having looted it, will offload for elsewhere. Yes, it is a Blade Runner Monday, before you ask...

  4. america has an energy policy badtux

    go shopping
    for sweaters...
    (made in china of course)


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