Thursday, July 24, 2008

To serve and protect

Yet another young black man mysteriously "dies in custody". No sign of drugs or alcohol in his body. Just signs that he had been tasered a lot.

The fatal taser jolt happened after the police cruiser arrived at the police station to book the suspect. The suspect didn't get out of the cruiser as fast as Officer Scott Nugent wanted, so the officer tasered him, then, after hauling the suspect's dead body out onto the pavement, tasered the dead body twice more. Officer Scott Nugent, who fired the fatal taser shot, was also responsible for 10 of the previous 14 incidents of taser usage by the Winnfield (LA) Police Department. Reading between the lines, it appears that Officer Nugent got his job because of family connections and was more of a Barney Fife figure (skinny, nervous, whiny voice) than someone who commanded respect from even his own peers, much less from perps. Thus the need for the taser -- perps just laughed at his shrimpy whiney ass self when with the shakey gun he whined "you're under arrest!" in a girlish voice. Talk about a "weak sister"...

Tasers are there to be used as a substitute for deadly force, not as a compliance tool for controlling a handcuffed and subdued prisoner who is currently imprisoned in the back seat of a police cruiser or as a substitute for basic suitability for police work. For compliance we have other methods which have a far less chance of death. At the very least you're parked in front of the goddamned police station, you got backup out the yazoo right up that flight of stairs. It seems likely that Officer Nugent tasered Baron Pikes rather than calling for backup because his own peers already considered him to be a whiney-assed bitch and he was scared that they'd make even more fun of him if he called for help.

But then, I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. The buildup of the new U.S. "soft" police state has required hiring tens of thousands of new officers to enforce the thousands of new "anti-drug" and "anti-terror" laws, all too many of which are either amoral thugs or "weak sisters" because, well, it's just hard to get sane people to volunteer for this job. Who wants to deal with criminals all day, potentially be shot at, etc., for a pitiful salary? So it goes in Soviet America, where we pretend we are free, and the government pretends we're free too -- when not proving otherwise.

-- Badtux the Sovok Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Is there any reason why we can't require people applying for jobs as cops to meet some set of standards for intelligence, competence, and decency? It might save the cops and the rest of us a world of grief in the long run. Wouldn't hurt to give it a whirl...


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