Monday, July 28, 2008

Around town

Bizarre sight of the day yesterday: SpongeBob Squarepants and one of his pals dancing around outside a used car dealership. What, they think toddlers buy cars now?! I knew used car salesmen were generally denser than depleted uranium, but this... is beyond stupid, to the point of the absurd.

The other cool thing I saw driving around town was a 1937-1939 Cadillac Fleetwood. No idea whether it was the straight-eight version or the V-16 version, but definitely narrowed down to those years, because it had enclosed spare tire wells on the front fenders vs. the open spare tire wells of earlier years or no spare tire wells on the 1940 version. The guy driving it seemed to be having a blast, probably he'd just bought it at the classic car show that was in town. It leaned wayyyy over when going up a freeway on-ramp, but didn't seem to have any get-up-and-go problems, indicating it may have been the very rare and expensive V-16...

-- Badtux the Random Penguin

1 comment:

  1. No, toddlers don't buy cars: they scream Daddy into stopping, and hand the salesman a target.


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