The war in Iraq is over, and has been over for many years. If we leave Iraq now, we haven't "lost", because we already won. The war was won on May 1, 2003. Dear Leader even had a big banner announcing "Mission Accomplished" in celebration. All that has happened since then is an occupation of Iraq. You don't win occupations, because there's nothing to win in an occupation -- you already won. The only thing you do with occupations is end them, sooner or later, generally when the host government says get out -- which apparently Maliki is doing. Maliki was democratically elected by the majority of Iraqis, so if America respects democracy, America should do what he wishes and get out. Why is democracy such a foreign concept to some Americans?!
-- Badtux the History Penguin
The only thing you do with occupations is end them,
ReplyDeleteWell, I would annex them, but what ever.