Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A reminder about Mr. Flip-flop

McCain argues that flip-flops are an example of a political leader who can't be trusted -- so he might as well drop out of the race. Because here is a list of 61 John McCain flip-flops -- some of which are large ones indeed.

Now, personally, I'm okay with the notion of a leader changing his opinion over time. A leader ought to change his opinions to match the facts, not stay steadfast like the captain of the Titanic and insist that reality isn't, well, reality. That way gets us George W. Bush and five years of "we're winning in Iraq! Stay the course!". Folks who get upset when a leader changes his mind after getting new facts on a matter are folks who are just plain insular and rigid and ideological. The problem for me is that John McCain's policy flip-flops have pretty much gone the opposite way -- away from reality, and towards the delusional. But anyhow, John McCain made the flip-flop argument, so it's fair to hoist him on his own petard, this penguin does think!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. I got a little giggle out of this silly Jib Jab
    Time for Some Campaignin'

  2. John McChange and Flip Flopney. What a perfect team of people who would say anything to get elected.

    Hey, John. When the country says they want change, it doesn't mean that they want you to change your mind on a whim, especially when that change is done to agree with George W.


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